Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can my deodorant cause peeling skin?

Just recently the skin under my arms has begun peeling, sort of like how a sunburn causes skin to peel. I don%26#039;t know if it has any connection, but about a month ago I switched deodorants. The peeling has been going on for maybe two weeks or so. Can a deodorant cause skin to peel?

Can my deodorant cause peeling skin?
Something in the new deodorant could possibly irritate your skin, causing the peeling. I%26#039;d suggest discontinuing the use of your new deodorant, switch back to the old one, and see if the peeling improves.
Reply:i think it can, i have had marks the size of a quarter under my arms , they are darker in color and sometimes peel. Possibly talk to your doctor and see what he says. Mine prescribed me some creme to put on it and it was cured.
Reply:yes it can if you have an allergic sensitivity to it. It%26#039;s not a true allergy but like one.


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