Monday, August 3, 2009

Which Deodorant?

Which male deodorant is the best? I currently use Old Spice Fresh Scent. Is there anything better?

Which Deodorant?
Any answers you get in reference to "better" will be purely subjective and wholly rooted in opinion. I use what you do but also change up from time to time between various speedstick scents and various old spice scents.

Avoid Antiperspirants if you know you will be in an environment where you will be sweating. Your body is made to sweat, it NEEDS to sweat! Use antiperspirants when on dates or other social events that do not make you sweat.
Reply:i'm 40 years old and have used many antiperspirants.i have found degree to be the best for me.
Reply:You might try their Anti-perspirant, a deodorant is a cover up, and does not keep you from perspiring.
Reply:Speed Stick green (original).

makeup tips

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